Original Title: Problems and Opportunities of Chinese Economy (was Background and Overview of Chinese Economy)
Article Summary: This blog article shall discuss the major problems and key opportunities of the ever-growing Chinese economy. In addition to strong investment opportunities currently have, our article content will also include some development challenges that the country has to face for better future growth.
Main Article Body:
In this blog post, we want to discuss with you the problems and opportunities of Chinese economy. People in all over the world know that the thriving economy of China is now dictated by the People's Republic of China (PRC). This has been the dominate force driving the economy since 1978.
Currently China economy ranks it #2 in the world so there is no doubt the economic regulations of the People's Republic of China (PRC) should be working quite well for the people in China. However, the largest criticism of the Chinese economy is that it appears the rich people keep on getting richer and the poor people can never escape from poverty. In order to help with the growing gap in the different social classes China underwent a political balancing act to help rectify the situation. This process was introduced in the 1990s. The Chinese government had worked hard to instill market reform. China really seemed to do well with the changed until the energy crisis that occurred in the late 1990.
A big issue that many countries have to contend with is unemployment. China appears to have an opposite problem. Since 2005 they have had a shortage of workers in the labor force to keep up with the continuous growth. Unskilled laborers are needed for tending to the farms while skilled workers are needed for the corporations and technology. China is one of the top worldwide in the amount of production annually in their factories. Agriculture is a huge part of the Chinese economy with more than 300 million people working in that area. The foods grown in China are highly exported. It is estimated that their food exports feed up to 20% of the world population.
Economic growth of China has some of the leaders in the country worried though. They are continually increasing the amount of natural resources they consume on an annual basis. The pollution and other environmental problems that come from the high number of factories are also key concerns. China's economy is certainly growing, but it still has a long way to go, which means there are lots of opportunities available.
For more recent information about Chinese economy, please visit: Macroeconomic Policies from our China Economy Blog, or search from this online China Financial Bookstore within this Special Money Blog.
New Comment(s): Development opportunities and problems are always co-exist. It is vitally important for the central government to have all major problems resolved first before realizing further development opportunities.
Original Tags: economy, labour, workers, unemployment, production, factories, financial, regulations, pollution, environment, problems, opportunities, agriculture, population, technology, imports, exports, government, market, economic growth, finance
P.S.: This is our fourth article republished from our obsoleted Yahoo Blog.
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